Centrifugal Casting - Westley Group Website
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Centrifugal Casting

The centrifugal casting process typically produces castings of symmetrically round hollow shapes (e.g. rings and cylinders). The nature of this dynamic casting process produces castings with a fine grain structure and a high degree of structural uniformity and integrity.

Centrifugal Casting

Key service offerings

Centrifugal castings technology to manage directional forces in excess of 60G.
Material experts in all non-ferrous and ferrous alloys, with particular specialisation in naval and complex alloy castings.
Rings and tubes with shaped external features to a maximum diameter of 2750mm (vertical process) and maximum length of 5000mm (horizontal process)
World-leading die range with centrifugal casting machine flexibility
Centrifugal manufacturing ensures high-integrity and close grain structure for safety critical applications
Max cast weight of 16 tonnes
Approved shaft liner manufacturer for UK, USA, Canada, Italy, France, Spain and more
All necessary approvals and accreditations for other industries