Personnel Safety
We ensure that our people are engaged caring and embrace zero tolerance of unsafe situations, non-compliance and insufficient or inadequate training.
We proactively measure, promote and analyse workplace activities.
We optimise our utilisation of raw materials and energy resources.
We all have an equal part to play in taking seriously our joint health, safety and environmental responsibilities.
Our BRONZE safety initiative is a simple but valuable way to protect our people when working.
Be aware of what’s going on around you.
Routinely check that everything is as it should be.
Only proceed with whatever it is you are doing if it’s safe to do so.
Never compromise, however seemingly small or simple the task.
Zero tolerance of anything that is less than as it should be.
Equality in safety to ensure the wellbeing of all.
Just one of the initiatives we’re implementing over time to safeguard the long-term physical and mental wellbeing of all our people.